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Friday, April 10, 2009

The Good Friday: What about It?

Is Holy Friday still holy in our generation today? Some may not bother to think about the importance of Good Friday or called it Holy Friday, Great Friday or Black Friday, but most Christians still observed the event. It is a day, we, Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his death of saving human kind.
It is a perfect time to spend time in ourselves away from worldly obligations. It is a time for reflection and repentance. It is a way to strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with the Lord.
Silence is the perfect description on this day. But, sad to say some may forget the importance of it. There are some people may have no time for these things instead pour their time on enjoyment and some taking the advantage of the holidays not on what it is really commemorated.
As Christian, a believer of what is thought in old times; continue to believe about the great sacrifice. It is one of the highlight in lenten season. Observing the day we are saved from sins, and as believer, we offer sacrifice like intensive praying, fasting and asking for forgiveness. It is like responding to a call for conversion. This is the good thing about Good Friday, a day for giving time not only for ourselves but for the glory of our Lord.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

7 Best And Safe Exercises For Pregnant Mom

Did you know that pregnant women can boost their mood, improve their sleep, and reduce aches and pains during pregnancy stages if they perform and make exercises a routine? It is an easy and inexpensive thing to do during these times. Plus it prepares pregnant woman for her childbirth by strengthening muscles and building her endurance and it is much easier to get back in shape after conception.
7 Best and Safe Exercises
It is one of the best exercises for pregnant woman. It keeps you fit without rasping your knees and ankles. It does not require any equipment and it is easy to do anytime of the day and do it elsewhere. This is a cheapest kind of exercise and it is very safe through out nine months of pregnancy.
The best and safest exercises a pregnant woman can do according to healthcare providers and fitness expert. It is ideal because it exercises both muscle groups, particularly ARMS and LEGS. It provides cardiovascular benefits and allow pregnant woman to feel weightless. We all know that while we are in water we feel weightless despite of our heavy weight especially pregnant woman weight extra pounds.
Low-impact Aerobics
Join an aerobics class. Take a class for pregnant women. You will going to enjoy the companies of other moms-to-be and you will feel reassured that whatever movements you are going to do is safe for the baby.
You will enjoy every beat in dancing. Your heart gets pumping for every move you make. Dancing with your favorite tunes in any place in your house is most recommendable. Tuning in your DVD or even in a dance class but avoid of routines that call for leap, jumps or twirls.
This can help maintain muscle tone and keep pregnant women flexible. But it is good to boost a yoga regimen with cardiovascular exercises like walking or swimming several times a week to give your heart a workout.
It keeps your body able to move or bend a body freely in a relaxed way and helps preventing muscle strain. Enable to get a complete workout you may add stretching to cardiovascular exercises.
Weight training
It is already part of exercise routine; there is no reason to stop. Although most pregnant women reduce the amount of weight lifting, chances are you can do more repetitions to ensure that you have a good workout. Taking the necessary precautions and by using good, controlled movements, this training is a wonderful way to tone and strengthen up muscles.

An ideal workout gets your heart pumping, makes you feel to move freely, manages weight increase and prepares pregnant women muscles away from physical stress and as well as to baby. Mentioned activities are safe for a pregnant mom, although some of the exercises may not work for you during the last months of pregnancy. Please make sure to consult health provider or respected doctors before engaging in any exercise program.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What's Your Worth?Are You enough To Be Worth Enough?

There are some people may ask some thinkable questions, "am I worth enough to anyone?". Nobody could give an honest answer. What is really our worth in this world? Is it money? Is it power or fame can manifest worth? No one else can measure if you are worthy enough to everyone.
Some measure ones worthy not of what is tangible but of what is not seen by our naked eyes. Worthy is not mere a word that could be bought, sold, bartered or could easily be shared or gave to anyone else. It is something that is to be earned. It is something that you have sacrificed, from smallest act to a greater one. It is an unconditional act that you want to show for anyone or for someone that you are with around. It is something that gives a good impression to you and makes everyone happy. Now, have you showed your worth with your friends, relatives, family or to your special one? Or you just start to realize your worth?
